Initial understanding of music ideas
Music videos are based on performance or narration. The performance would include, a group of performers dancing to the music, or the singer alone singing and dancing. Whereas narration would include a storyline or a plot according to the lyrics of the songs. When it comes to camera work, songs with fast beats have faster camera movement and whereas songs with slower pace have a slower camera movement. Considering the lyrics part of the song and its correlation with the color. A song with strong emotional lyrics tends to have a darker color and cold lighting, on the other side songs with exciting lyrics tend to have a brighter color and warm lighting. A music video may include both performances with a narration.
These are basic conventions of a music video, but few things may change because of the focused culture or audience. For example, A music video focused on American ethnic groups, it's more likely to portray characters, costumes, and narration according to that focused group. Even though the music video may not relate to other people of different cultures but the lyrics might because humans share similar emotions and life experiences.
The search for music
Searching for a song was the most challenging part of this task because I like a lot of songs and artists, but choosing one out of them was very difficult. I went through my favorite artist's works and after continuous search for three days, I fixed upon Ali gatie's "It's You" song. I chose this song because I liked the lyrics and it's was just special to me.
Initial idea of the footage
The initial idea was to shoot an original video of myself singing the song and using external videos from Bollywood movies to add narration to the music video. So that it included both a performance and a narration.
However, my plan did not work out because my camera stopped working and I was not able to shoot my footage. I had no other option but to use external videos from movies and add them to the song so that it corresponded with the lyrics.
I enjoyed watching a Bollywood film long back in 2017 and the storyline of the movie matched the lyrics of the song. So I decided to use it for this task. The movie's name is Half Girlfriend which released on 19 May 2017 and was directed by Mohit Suri.
Post Production
The post-production process was not much challenging because I was very familiar with software and I had also watched the movie by fast-forwarding it. Other than cutting and pasting footage from here to there and adding transitions in between. I added a filter to the overall video so that it looked more original and the time period was maintained. Below are a few screenshots showing the timeline of the music video. The software used to create this is called Filmora.
Final music video